
Rent of equipment.

"Garage GPS" LLP is one of few companies in Kazakhstan, Russian and Ukraine that offers GPS equipment for rent together with transport monitoring service. Full technical support is provided for the period of leasing. Our highly qualified specialists will do the induction for you on how to handle the equipment.

Package of accessories is provided as required.


  • There is no need to spend large sum for equipment at once;
  • There is no need to check balance for GSM connection;
  • Possibility to get equipment for single time use without buying it;
  • Possibility to test equipment before buying it;
  • There is a possibility to use the most up-to-date equipment;
  • Rental cost depends on the terms of equipment renting.


  • Renting is very convenient when you give your vehicle for temporary use and you want to control its operation.
  • If you are going on a tourist trip. For the sake of your own safety it would be useful to take a personal tracker with you and in case of an emergency you will be able to send "SOS" signal with coordinates of you location.

Renting rules:

  • You sign a contract and deposit a pledge the value of which depends on GPS-GLONASS device that you selected.
  • Private persons need to have RoK passport with them for execution of an agreement. One copy of the agreement stays with us, and the other copy is given to you.
  • After signing the contract you are given data account in monitoring system and also login and password for entering the system. In case of renting of vehicle trackers installation and adjustment services are provided.
  • Day of equipment return is considered to be a day of renting and it is included in calculation of rental cost. In case of delay of device you need to inform us about it over the phone, by e-mail or in person.
  • When equipment is returned client receives deposited pledge excluding rental cost.
  • Rental payment is performed in national currency.
  • You can also get the equipment you like.
  • You can use both our and your SIM-card. If you use your SIM-card you need to have a SIM-card with which GPS-tracker or in-vehicle monitoring controller will work (worked). Before using your SIM-card deactivate PIN-code.
  • If you use your SIM-card GSM - GPRS costs for transfer data are not included in rental price.

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